A few pointers to help you plan your weekly meals!
Pick the same day each week to make your menu and grocery list. I choose Sundays for a couple of reasons:
- Coupons from the Sunday paper are available
- I grocery shop on Mondays
- This allows me to plan my meals for the following week (Monday-Sunday)
- Check your pantry, fridge and freezer for any items you may already have on hand to prepare a meal. I am notorious for freezing items and then forgetting they are in the freezer.
- Build your meal by what is on sale and what coupons you have on hand.
- Use a good coupon "helper" website, like this one or this one
- Get a good calendar/organizer and write down what meals you will have on what day.
- Check my site every Sunday to give you ideas of what meals to prepare for the week.
- Don't just make your list of grocery items but bring it with you to the grocery store!
- Buy only what is on the list.
- Don't forget your coupons.
- Never go to the grocery store hungry!
Your Weekly Meal Planner,

thanks so much for the link. I truly appreciate it!